Thursday, November 23, 2006

Should I Give Up a Guy For His Habit???

Sometimes I just feel like giving up on the relationship I don't know why. I still cannot accept the fact that my partner smokes....Anyone with this experience please help me deal with this. I really hate and I mean HATE to see it. Sometimes when I see it, it just makes me want to give up and find someone else. But the least I know, every other guy smokes now and it has become a norm among guys nowadays. Yea, if I'm going to find one who does not smoke, it would be a miracle indeed.

I feel so SICK when I see it everytime. It does hurt to see him smoke. My heart feels so sour til it shrinks. It's painful. Should I give up a guy that meets my expectation (accept his smoking habit) for his habit? I know I cannot accept a husband that puffs. Other than the smoking habit, everything is fine. He meets up to the expectations that I have in a guy. He's loving, responsible, affectionate and everything else, almost the perfect guy for me. Should I give him up for just one habit? Sometimes I feel like giving in to temptation.

P/S: Friends who smokes do not leave the same impact on me, only the person I love does. So I would like to apologise if I offended my smoking friends. Sorry.

Monday, November 20, 2006


Hi there! Finally.....My first post here......Been so busy that I did not find time to my dearest non-blood related brothers, especially Haz, the long awaited blog has been setup...official opening ceremony today....hahaha....To the rest who's been reading my blog, I no longer blog at friendster. Thanks for leaving comments and you can and are stil welcome to drop your comments here. I really do appreciate comments from all of you out there. Thanks alot...Love ya peeps! muacks!!!

Here's a link to my friendster blog, click here.