Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Specially dedicated to Kelvin...

Kelvin Lam....Lamb Lamb sounds better....I miss you Lamb Lamb....I miss the 38 times and the college times we shared. Always aarguing with each other. Always getting at each other...and lots more...I know you miss me cos UK is so boring and without me around it's worst...Haha...Your life is just boring without me..ahahha...You have to admit that. Well I might have good news for you. I might continue my studies soon I guess maybe after next year but might be at a different location and we could meet uo if you are still in UK then. Anyway you have been a wonderful friend all these while and I really really miss you company and our "38" times, "yam-cha" times, movie times and more. Take care my dear friend. I miss you sssssooooooooo muchies!!! I'm fine someone broke my heart but I'm ok now. Thanks for caring....You were the one I run to when I have problems. But now you are so far!!!!! Anyway, just wanna tell you I miss you alot....Come back let me know ok...bye!!!

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